Sunday, March 31, 2013

Synopsis Sunday Week 11, 12 & 13

I had so much going on at once, that I didn't get a chance to post my Synopsis Sundays. So I decided to post them all now.

      I had a really great idea for one of my projects. I spent 4 hours creating a really detailed face for my Zanette's Got A Big Head illustration. Than the next day when I sat down to finish it, it was gone. I guess i didn't save it, right? Idk. I was so upset, I almost cried. I didn't have time to do such a detailed face again, so I had to settle for not so detailed.
     Than for my next project, we pulled business names out of a hat to create logos for. I got a really hard one, Bent's Schwinn Cycling & Fitness. At first I thought it was a gym, which would have gave me more options. Than I realized it's a bike shop. Which dramatically narrowed my options. Than I realized that I misread the instructions, instead of one logo, it was three! I had one amazing logo, than two last minute iffy ones.  :)
     Next, we were tasked to create a medical illustration for a pediatric office and a story book cover. I created a poster on DNA Fingerprinting. I created a children's story book cover for Daidrian, the Sleepy Turtle.
     Lastly, we created our own font, I named mine Pink Tie Affair. Also we were tasked to illustrate one of the 7 deadly sins. I chose Lust.

     DJ and Zan' Drea stayed the weekend with their TiTi (Dennis's sister Nisha), from Friday evening to Sunday evening. They had a blast as they always do, and returned to a new home.
     Daidrian has been attempting to walk. YAY!! He will be 1 in April.  DJ didn't walk until 13 months and Zan' Drea until 15 months. I'm pretty excited.

     We got the keys to our new place on Friday, 03/15/2013, moved in on Saturday. the moving process did not go smoothly by any means. The fact that we had our stuff in a storage unit that clearly was not sealed tightly, as the storage placed said it would be, caused mold on allot of items. :/ than we found out that our washer was broken because it was dropped in the moving process. So we had to get a new one. Than on top of that, my car blew 2 tires. Oh and I got sick. Needless to say that was the longest 3 weeks ever. But on the up side, we are all moved in, have 2 new tires and a new washer. :)

  • I finished Insurgent.
  • POTM: OPI Khloe Had A Little Lam-Lam (on my toes)
  • Will be getting back into scrapbooking in the coming weeks.