Sunday, February 3, 2013

Change of Plans

With all the new changes I have been implementing, over the past month, I realized some changes needed to be made. With the amount of school work I need to complete each week by Friday, and working full time Mon-Friday, I came to realize that I didn't have enough hours in the work week. So I changed my work schedule so I am off every Tues and Thurs and work every Sat and Sun. This way I will have more time to get my school work done. I'm hoping to get back on track with my week in reviews since I fell off completely. I was writing the days reviews down to post at a later time but even that came to a screeching halt due to school work.
I noticed I need to work on my time management a little more. I am working full time, in school full time, and I have 3 small kids, so time management is essential to my sanity right now. To help me get on track I am redoing my planner. The week per 2 pages style planner is just not enough space to detail my todo lists, and planning for the day. So to correct this issue I ordered some different planner pages that have 2 pages per day. I'm hoping this will aid in my time management crisis. If not, than I will have to revamp my entire planning process. But I doubt that will be necessary with the new schedule and new planning system, I believe I should be able to get things down pat.

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