I decided to change things up a bit with my week in reviews, the current style of a review of each day was just not working for me, it was too much a responsibility each day. I didn't do too much of intrest on many days due to work and. I still keep a daily record of things in my planner since I have a day per 2 pages style planner, which has plenty of space for that. I am going to make this more of a week in review in a general sense. With that change I am renaming it this post to Synopsis Sunday.
Week of 10 February through 16 February 2013
This week I really wanted to start dinner more often since I work an odd schedule and its hard sometimes. I wouldn't say I was productive in that since I only cooked twice this week and ate frozen foods the rest of the time. :( I will work on that more in the coming weeks.
In school this week we designed a logo and business cards for Renegade Cakes. I completed this project rather fast. I'm definitely starting to get the hand of the systems we use. The projects are not so frustrating and more enjoyable. I posted me completed project on Zanette's School Life.
I read Divergent by Veronica Roth in 2.5 days. Such a good book. I have a review coming soon.
I also created a logo and business cards for myself this week unveiling of that is coming soon!